Re: [PATCH 3/6] staging: comedi: usbduxsigma: remove AI scan_begin_src == TRIG_FOLLOW

From: Bernd Porr
Date: Fri Jul 24 2015 - 13:05:54 EST

Reviewed-by: Bernd Porr <mail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Ian Abbott wrote:
The AI subdevice `cmdtest` handler `usbduxsigma_ai_cmdtest()` ensures
that `cmd->scan_begin_src == TRIG_TIMER` by the end of step 2 of the
command checking code, so assume that this is the case for step 3
onwards and remove the redundant code.

Signed-off-by: Ian Abbott <abbotti@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbduxsigma.c | 47 +++++++++++-----------------
1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbduxsigma.c b/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbduxsigma.c
index dc0b25a..65a0df4 100644
--- a/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbduxsigma.c
+++ b/drivers/staging/comedi/drivers/usbduxsigma.c
@@ -481,6 +481,7 @@ static int usbduxsigma_ai_cmdtest(struct comedi_device *dev,
struct usbduxsigma_private *devpriv = dev->private;
int high_speed = devpriv->high_speed;
int interval = usbduxsigma_chans_to_interval(cmd->chanlist_len);
+ unsigned int tmp;
int err = 0;
/* Step 1 : check if triggers are trivially valid */
@@ -508,36 +509,26 @@ static int usbduxsigma_ai_cmdtest(struct comedi_device *dev,
err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_is(&cmd->start_arg, 0);
- if (cmd->scan_begin_src == TRIG_FOLLOW) /* internal trigger */
- err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_is(&cmd->scan_begin_arg, 0);
+ if (high_speed) {
+ /*
+ * In high speed mode microframes are possible.
+ * However, during one microframe we can roughly
+ * sample two channels. Thus, the more channels
+ * are in the channel list the more time we need.
+ */
+ err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_min(&cmd->scan_begin_arg,
+ (125000 * interval));
- if (cmd->scan_begin_src == TRIG_TIMER) {
- unsigned int tmp;
- if (high_speed) {
- /*
- * In high speed mode microframes are possible.
- * However, during one microframe we can roughly
- * sample two channels. Thus, the more channels
- * are in the channel list the more time we need.
- */
- err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_min(&cmd->
- scan_begin_arg,
- (1000000 / 8 *
- interval));
- tmp = (cmd->scan_begin_arg / 125000) * 125000;
- } else {
- /* full speed */
- /* 1kHz scans every USB frame */
- err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_min(&cmd->
- scan_begin_arg,
- 1000000);
- tmp = (cmd->scan_begin_arg / 1000000) * 1000000;
- }
- err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_is(&cmd->scan_begin_arg, tmp);
+ tmp = (cmd->scan_begin_arg / 125000) * 125000;
+ } else {
+ /* full speed */
+ /* 1kHz scans every USB frame */
+ err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_min(&cmd->scan_begin_arg,
+ 1000000);
+ tmp = (cmd->scan_begin_arg / 1000000) * 1000000;
+ err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_is(&cmd->scan_begin_arg, tmp);
err |= comedi_check_trigger_arg_is(&cmd->scan_end_arg,

+44 (0)7840 340069
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