Re: Use (two) different compilers at build-time?
From: Sedat Dilek
Date: Tue Sep 08 2015 - 01:45:32 EST
On Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 12:30 AM, Sedat Dilek <sedat.dilek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 11:20 PM, Sedat Dilek <sedat.dilek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 10:59 PM, Linus Torvalds
>> <torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Sep 7, 2015 at 1:53 PM, Sedat Dilek <sedat.dilek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>>>> That does not work.
>>> .. because you didn't do what I told you to do.
>>>> I copied a gcc-compiled percpu.o OR deleted/renamed percpu.o and
>>>> re-invoked make - this starts a complete new build from scratch.
>>> Right. Because you changed the compiler name, so now the build system
>>> realizes that the old build instructions are stale.
>>> Which is why you have to:
>>>>> Use a wrapper around the compiler (and point to that wrapper with the
>>>>> "to switch compilers from under the make, without the build paths
>>>>> changing (because otherwise our makefile auto-machinery notices that
>>>>> flags and command changed).
>>>>> Use CC (or CROSS_COMPILE) to point at your wrapper.
>>>> No idea how to realize that, sorry.
>>> Literally just do something like this:
>>> - have a shell script call "mycompiler" and make it do gcc/llvm "$@".
>>> - or even just use a symlink (the script has the advantage that you
>>> can play with the options etc too)
>>> - change the shell script (or symlink) itself, and make sure to use
>>> the same CC for "make" at all times, so that the build script never
>>> sees that the underlying command is now different.
>>> It should work fine, I've done it a couple of times (although
>>> admittedly not recently)
>> OK, I have created a mycompiler shell-script and use that for CC and
>> HOSTCC in my own build-script.
>> Using CLANG...
>> [ /usr/bin/mycompiler ]
>> #!/bin/bash
>> clang "$@"
>> - EOF -
>> $ mycompiler --version
>> clang version 3.7.0 (tags/RELEASE_370/final)
>> Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
>> Thread model: posix
>> Switching to GCC...
>> [ /usr/bin/mycompiler ]
>> #!/bin/bash
>> gcc-4.9 "$@"
>> - EOF -
>> $ mycompiler --version
>> gcc-4.9 (Ubuntu 4.9.2-0ubuntu1~12.04) 4.9.2
>> Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
>> This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO
>> Thanks, that helped me a lot.
> Sadly, this trick does not work here with Linux v4.2.
So, the problem is any change to your make-lines.
Means $COMPILER and/or compiler flags!
I simplified in Makefile...
COMPILER := clang
and then did a symlink gcc-4.9 -> clang.
This did NOT work because clang uses a compiler-flag
'-no-integrated-as' which does not exist for gcc!
So, switching from gcc -> clang or vice-versa is not possible with
your compiler-wrapper-script trick :-(.
Anyway, I need a different solution.
One of my ideas was to hack the mm/Makefile.
--- a/mm/Makefile
+++ b/mm/Makefile
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
# Makefile for the linux memory manager.
+COMPILER := gcc
+export COMPILER
KASAN_SANITIZE_slab_common.o := n
KASAN_SANITIZE_slub.o := n
@@ -78,3 +81,6 @@ obj-$(CONFIG_CMA) += cma.o
obj-$(CONFIG_MEMORY_BALLOON) += balloon_compaction.o
obj-$(CONFIG_PAGE_EXTENSION) += page_ext.o
obj-$(CONFIG_CMA_DEBUGFS) += cma_debug.o
+COMPILER := clang
+export COMPILER
Not sure if this works.
- Sedat -
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