Re: [PATCH] lightnvm: change rrpc slab creation/destruction time

From: Matias BjÃrling
Date: Tue Dec 08 2015 - 08:26:27 EST

On 12/08/2015 12:36 PM, Wenwei Tao wrote:
Hi Matias
In my understanding kmem_cache_create only allocate and setup some
basic structures, the actual slab memory is allocated from buddy
system when we use these slabs.
Do you think the memory consumed by these structures is a issue
compared to the lock contention and slab status check in
rrpc_core_initïor you have any other concerns ?

The rrpc_core_init is only run at registration time and isn't in a critical path. So I rather not initialize something until we really it.

ps. it is custom not to top post :)

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