Re: 4.4-rc5 Setting trap flag inside nmi handler results in HARD LOCKUP
From: Jeff Merkey
Date: Wed Dec 16 2015 - 16:49:10 EST
He is stepping into native_safe_halt() when this bug occurs (processor
has halted). I am starting to wonder is this is a linux bug or intel
bug. I am starting to lean towards intel bug possibly. I will go and
review intels documentation about what happens when a processor has
been halted, is triggered with an NMI, then someone reloads the
processor with the trap flag set then returns to a hlt instruction.
Wow, this fucking cool .. I can debug Linus' "I halt when idle" core
function in the linux scheduler.
On 12/16/15, Jeff Merkey <linux.mdb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 12/16/15, Jeff Merkey <linux.mdb@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Setting the (trap flag | resume flag) inside of an nmi handler results
>> in a hard lockup while setting the resume flag works fine.
>> The watchdog detector fails to detect the lockup. I am currently
>> examining the trap gate and interrupt gate setup on Linux and if
>> anyone has any ideas it would be nice to be able to debug and step
>> through the nmi handlers. I got breakpoints to work. I noticed
>> kgdb/kdb just punts here and refuses to allow someone to step inside
>> an nmi handler.
>> There is no reason Linux should not allow this to work since windows
>> does and every other OS out there. I have seen this across some rex64
>> sysret calls as well this lockup behavior.
>> Anyone who is an intel expert with any clues would love some input if
>> you know about this problem.
>> Jeff
> More info. Linux is getting a trap and it looks like the IDT is
> getting swapped when it gets it -- POW - Dead Linux.
> Damn ... Well, it will be long night and lots of builds ...
> Jeff
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