Re: [PATCH v4 1/5] PCI: designware: add memory barrier after enabling region
From: Stanimir Varbanov
Date: Thu Dec 17 2015 - 10:45:50 EST
On 12/11/2015 06:05 AM, Pratyush Anand wrote:
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Russell King - ARM Linux
> <linux@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> [...]
>>>>> dw_pcie_writel_rc(pp, PCIE_ATU_ENABLE, PCIE_ATU_CR2);
>>>>> + /*
>>>>> + * ensure that the ATU enable has been happaned before accessing
>>>>> + * pci configuration/io spaces through dw_pcie_cfg_[read|write].
>>>>> + */
>>>>> + wmb();
>>>>> }
>>> My understnading is that since writel() of dw_pcie_writel_rc() in
>>> above code and readl(), writel() of dw_pcie_cfg_[read|write]() (which
>>> will follow) goes through same device (ie PCIe host here). So, it is
>>> guaranteed that 1st writel() will be executed before later
>>> readl()/writel(). If that is true then we do not need any explicit
>>> barrier here.
>>> Arnd, Russel: whats your opinion here.
>> ^l
> Sorry :(
>> writel() has a barrier _before_ the access but not after.
>> The fact is that there's nothing which guarantees that the write will hit
>> the hardware in a timely manner (forget any rules about PCI config space,
>> the PCI ordering rules apply to the PCI bus, not to the ARM buses.)
>> If you need this write to have hit the hardware before continuing, you
>> need to read back from the same register.
> OK, so better to replace wmb() with read back of control register.
Would the patch be acceptable if I replace wmb with read?
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