Re: [PATCH] ARM: dma-mapping: Just allocate one chunk at a time

From: Doug Anderson
Date: Thu Dec 17 2015 - 17:31:46 EST


On Thu, Dec 17, 2015 at 12:30 PM, Douglas Anderson
<dianders@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The __iommu_alloc_buffer() is expected to be called to allocate pretty
> sizeable buffers. Upon simple tests of video I saw it trying to
> allocate 4,194,304 bytes. The function tries to be efficient about this
> by starting out allocating large chunks and then moving to smaller and
> smaller chunk sizes until it succeeds.
> The current function is very, very slow.
> One problem is the way it keeps trying and trying to allocate big
> chunks. Imagine a very fragmented memory that has 4M free but no
> contiguous pages at all. Further imagine allocating 4M (1024 pages).
> We'll do the following memory allocations:
> - For page 1:
> - Try to allocate order 10 (no retry)
> - Try to allocate order 9 (no retry)
> - ...
> - Try to allocate order 0 (with retry, but not needed)
> - For page 2:
> - Try to allocate order 9 (no retry)
> - Try to allocate order 8 (no retry)
> - ...
> - Try to allocate order 0 (with retry, but not needed)
> - ...
> - ...
> Total number of calls to alloc() calls for this case is:
> sum(int(math.log(i, 2)) + 1 for i in range(1, 1025))
> => 9228
> The above is obviously worse case, but given how slow alloc can be we
> really want to try to avoid even somewhat bad cases. I timed the old
> code with a device under memory pressure and it wasn't hard to see it
> take more than 24 seconds to allocate 4 megs of memory (!!).
> A second problem (and maybe even more important) is that allocating big
> chunks when we don't need them is just not a good idea anyway. The
> first thing we do with these big chunks is break them into smaller
> chunks! If we allocate small chunks:
> - The memory manager doesn't need to work so hard to give us big chunks.
> - We can save the big chunks for those that really need them and this
> code can make great use of all the small chunks sitting around.
> Let's simplify by just allocating one page at a time. We may make more
> total allocate calls but it works way better. In real world tests that
> used to sometimes see a 24 second allocation call I can now see at most
> 250 ms.

Off-list I talked to Dmitry about this a little bit and he pointed out
that contiguous chunks actually give a benefit to the IOMMU. I don't
think the benefit outweighs the cost in this case, but I'm happy to
hear what others have to say. I did some quick printouts and it turns
out that even when requesting page at a time the memory manager
(unsurprisingly) can in many cases still give us pages that are

Also I'm happy to post up
<> which sorts the
array and could possibly give us larger chunks of contiguous memory.

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