Re: [RFC 0/6] mmc: Field Firmware Update
From: Ulf Hansson
Date: Tue Dec 22 2015 - 03:56:27 EST
+ Gwendal, Grant, Olof, Seshagiri, Jon
On 22 December 2015 at 09:15, Holger Schurig <holgerschurig@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Sorry for the delay.
> No problem, I was busy with many other projects as well.
>> My advise right now is to try this out via the mmc ioctl in userspace,
>> yes. Although, if you encounter any issues with that approach that it
>> might not be reliable, I am open to look into the in-kernel solution
>> again.
> I managed to update my Kingston eMMCs with a slighly modified patch to
> what I submitted. I however didn't bother to submit this, as I saw no
> chance of getting it applied.
> Also I once asked in the mailing list if there is some user-space
> example of how to use the multi-block feature that is supposed to enable
> this, but I haven't gotten an answer.
>> Regarding mmc-utils as where I recommend you to implement this, I have
>> been thinking of moving this tool into the tools directory in the
>> kernel.
> Sounds good to me.
> Remotely related:
> Do you know that some google people made their own version of mmc-utils
> for ChromeOS? And the don't seem to give much effort in unification of
> them? As if the world wouldn't know how hard it can be to re-unite
> things again, Google should know from their custom kernels they use on
> Android ... Sigh.
> So you can
> * git clone git://
> * git clone
Thanks for sharing the information. Some Chromium folkz has certainly
been helpful in upstreaming activities, but you are right that there
is more to be done for mmc utils.
Perhaps by moving the code into the kernel tools dir and finding
someone who actively wants to maintain it, will enable improved
upstream activities!?
Kind regards
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