Re: [PATCH] unix: properly account for FDs passed over unix sockets

From: One Thousand Gnomes
Date: Wed Dec 30 2015 - 08:15:54 EST

> > Another idea would be to add the amount of memory used to manage the fds
> > to sock_rmem/wmem but I don't see any advantages or disadvantages.
> Compared to the impact of the pending data in pipes themselves in flight,
> this would remain fairly minimal.

The true size of the memory pinned by a file handle cannot be determined
by the socket layer anyway. If the handle is for a device it may be
pinning lots of memory in the device driver. It's up to the rest of the
system to manage and contain those resource allocations correctly which a
fair bit of the code (except graphics) does properly.

The resource counting does create the reverse problem that user A running
a program written by hostile user B may find it takes all their resources,
stuffs them down an AF_UNIX socket and passes the last reference to the
socket via a setuid app somewhere where the user can't get it back.

For an end user case that's pretty irrelevant - you run hostile user B's
app then you already lost. For a service it's an interesting attack vector
but not one I can see any obvious ways to exploit because (with the
possible exception of dbus) services simply don't pass file handles down
sockets to untrusted targets.

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