If we have not drained the CQ (consumed budget or more) the secondWe drain the CQ completely for whatever CQEs available at that time,
condition (ib_req_notify_cq) will not be invoked. We are only rearming
the CQ when we drained it completely. So I don't see how we can end up
with missed notifications.
say for example,
33 CQEs drained at time t1. So now req_notify_cq will be invoked at time t2.
During time delta t2-t1, CQ in hardware remains unarmed.
If cqes are added during that time delta, Will event/interrupt raised
for it, for CQ in unarmed state?
At time time t2, CQ is armed containing pending CQEs. Will
event/interrupt raised for those pending CQEs on next arming?