Linux Hardware Project

From: Ponomarenko Andrey
Date: Mon Feb 01 2016 - 10:49:16 EST


I'm developing a new database of computer hardware configurations running Linux:

The database can be used to list devices on board or take a look at the dmesg, dmidecode, Xorg.0.log and other logs on a particular computer model. The information about computers is collected with the help of the hw-probe tool currently based on the hwinfo, lspci, lsusb and other utilities. There are about 4000 probed computers in the database. Most of them are from the ROSA Linux distribution where hw-probe is installed by default and widely used to report hardware problems. Some of probes are from the openSUSE and other Linux distributions.

The project is just a hobby for now but I'll try to implement more user interfaces if someone will be interested. One of the future interfaces I'd like to implement is the public editor of a device support status.

Please let me know if you'd like to see some new features or data tables in the database.

Thank you.