SEC Filing
From: zen
Date: Tue Mar 01 2016 - 04:53:27 EST
SEC XBRL Filings ( is offering new clients FIRST FILING FREE for a limited period of time and for a limited number of companies.
In addition, will guarantee that we save you at least 20% ongoing versus any competitor in the industry. We have dedicated 24/7 Project management and round the clock production for all our services.
If you are looking to improve the process, get supreme quality EDGAR and XBRL, save time and money then consider SEC XBRL Filings as a solution. It is worth calling to find out more (347) 480-4275.
What's more, we will also update or create your INVESTOR RELATIONS(XBRL Web posting) page for FREE!!!
Paul Smith
SEC XBRL Filings
E: info@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
T: (347) 480-4275