Re: [RFC/RFT][PATCH v4 1/2] cpufreq: New governor using utilization data from the scheduler
From: Steve Muckle
Date: Wed Mar 02 2016 - 22:35:44 EST
On 03/02/2016 07:20 PM, Steve Muckle wrote:
> Why does the frequency value not help? It is true there may be issues of
> a workload being memory bound and not responding quite linearly to
> increasing frequency, but that would pose a problem for the current
> algorithm also. Surely it's better to attempt a consistent policy which
> doesn't vary based on a platform's fmin value?
FWIW I'm not trying to hold up this series - rather just discuss
possibilities and differences with the now deprecated solution that may
be able to be integrated here sometime in the near future.