Kernel stability on baytrail machines

From: Michal Feix
Date: Thu Mar 03 2016 - 11:40:45 EST

Hello everyone,

aprox. 6 months ago I started facing random freezes on my baytrail based computers I manage. It took me a while before I found a bug report in freedesktop bugzilla named "complete freeze after: drm/i915/vlv: WA for Turbo and RC6 to work together" - It took a few more months for this bug to escalate into MAJOR importance and was later moved into kernel bugzilla as "intel_idle.max_cstate=1 required on baytrail to prevent crashes" -

Based on the ammount of comments in both bugtickets and probably connected observations on different linux distros forums, this seems to be a showstopper on mainstream Baytrail based machines for many users. I'm trying to understand, how visible (and thus important) is this instability across baytrail machines on linux kernel across population.

I do feel that the importance of the mentioned bug is currently underestimated. Can anyone here give a note, how much current linux kernel is supposed to be stable on general baytrail machines?

