Re: 4.4: camera and unlock buttons produce tons of interrupts (was Re: N900 sleep mode)
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Tue Apr 05 2016 - 16:51:45 EST
> > Ok, I realized that _something_ set up my keyboard on console, too, so
> > I'm able to do "init 1" and still interact with the console.
> >
> > cm_idlest1_core blocking bits are now 0x42 pretty consistently. But
> > they stay 0x42, even when screen is on (and screen on prevents low
> > power, right?) so I guess they are not the whole story.
> Yes they stay at 0x42. And it seems you've configured the UART
> idle timeouts too.
Yes, thanks for the script ;-).
> > I'm able to get down to 50mA power consumption with screen off. I was
> > getting 90mA with X, wifi in powersave and screen off.
> >
> > Head proximity sensor is still on in this configuration. But I guess
> > that should not keep the system busy...?
> >
> > Ok, wait a moment, I'm getting "Camera Focus", "Camera Capture" and
> > "Lock button" interrupts ... at something like 20/second. Without
> > touching anything. Hmm. Also "pm_wkup", but that might be
> > expected. Plus, 49052000.gpio and 49054000.gpio are rather
> > active. Might be related to the above. Also "gp_timer" and
> > 48070000.i2c are active, perhaps also related. I don't think I have
> > the camera working...
> Hmm that does not sound right at all for the GPIOs. The pm_wkup
> interrupt triggers every time you hit wfi pretty much, so that
> should be OK.
Wifi was down at that point.
Some more testing: after boot, interrupt counts stay low, as
expected. But when I attempt to enable power management, they start
rising. Sometimes 60/second, sometimes less.
Things are fine as long as I don't enable the off mode; when I enable
the off mode, "echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/enable_off_mode"
interrupt counts start rising immediately. "echo 0 >
/sys/kernel/debug/pm_debug/enable_off_mode" stops that.
But no matter what configuration, activity LEDs still indicate it is
busy, and idle power consumption is cca 53mA.
> > "Lock button" interrupt stops increasing as long as I hold the lock
> > button in the "unlock" position. "Camera Focus" and "Camera Capture"
> > will stop increasing when I hold down the Camera button.
> I have not seen that issue last time I checked. Sorry won't
> be able to test it until Thursday, maybe there's some GPIO
> regression now.
No problem, thanks for all the help.
Best regards,
(cesky, pictures)