Re: [PATCH v2] stm class: correct masterID range in setting via sysfs
From: Alexander Shishkin
Date: Fri Apr 08 2016 - 09:07:27 EST
Chunyan Zhang <zhang.chunyan@xxxxxxxxxx> writes:
> The type of masterID is defined as 'unsigned int', theoretically one
> can set masterID with a number larger than 'INT_MAX' as long as
> 'stm_data::sw_end' is larger than 'INT_MAX'.
> Also, 'stm_data::start' and 'stm_data::end' is initialized in respective
> drivers which should be able to use any value less than 'UINT_MAX' for
> their masterIDs, of course including those values larger than 'INT_MAX',
Actually, STP specification allows up to 65536 masters ([0..65535]), so
technically there's no problem. :)
The comparisons are still bogus, though. I'll amend your commit message.