From: Doug Ledford
Date: Wed May 18 2016 - 10:08:07 EST

On 05/17/2016 10:48 PM, Parav Pandit wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 11:02 PM, Doug Ledford <dledford@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Nice catch there Bart. That was well before my role as maintainer and
>> so settles things well enough for me. IOW, I don't feel I need to worry
>> about trying to maintain the dual license nature of the RDMA stack as it
>> was broken long before I took over. Thanks for pointing that out.
> Does it mean we can submit new code files under GPL only license?

You always could.

> I submitted RDMA cgroup related code in ib_core under GPLv2 only license.

You did and you didn't. For instance, in patch 1/3, the new
cgroup_rdma.c file has a notice of GPLv2, but no notice of copyright, so
it's incomplete. You need to put a copyright notice in the file too.
And in the file cgroup_rdma.h you have neither a copyright notice or a
license statement. It's a plain file.

In patch 2/3, the file infiniband/core/cgroup.c has a copied dual
license (not necessary, it can be GPL only), but again, it is missing
the copyright notice.

You need to finish the conversation you and Christoph were having in
that thread, but you also need a v11 of the patchset that fixes the
copyright issues.

> Existing files which are calling those new APIs will continue to be
> dual license (similar to CQ and RDMA APIs)?


Doug Ledford <dledford@xxxxxxxxxx>

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