Re: [PATCH v3 1/2] clk: samsung: cpu: Prepare for addition for Exynos7 CPU clocks

From: Sylwester Nawrocki
Date: Thu Jul 07 2016 - 06:46:09 EST

On 07/05/2016 10:29 PM, Abhilash Kesavan wrote:
> Exynos7 has the same CPU clock registers layout as that present
> in Exynos5433 except for the bits in the MUX_STAT* registers.
> Add a new CLK_CPU_HAS_MODIFIED_MUX_STAT flag to handle this change.

> --- a/drivers/clk/samsung/clk-cpu.h
> +++ b/drivers/clk/samsung/clk-cpu.h
> @@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ struct exynos_cpuclk {
> /* The CPU clock registers have Exynos5433-compatible layout */
> #define CLK_CPU_HAS_E5433_REGS_LAYOUT (1 << 2)

> +/* Exynos5433-compatible layout with different MUX_STAT register bits */
> +#define CLK_CPU_HAS_MODIFIED_MUX_STAT (1 << 3)

It's getting a bit messy, what if there comes another SoC version
which has some other modification of exynos5433 registers structure?
We would need another variant of HAS_MODIFIED_MUX_STAT flag and we
could easily get lost while trying to determine which modification
is which. How about indicating explicitly it's an exynos7 bits
layout and renaming the flag to something like

#define CLK_CPU_HAS_E7_MUX_STAT (1 << 16) ?