Re: PROBLEM: network data corruption (bisected to e5a4b0bb803b)

From: Alan Curry
Date: Tue Jul 26 2016 - 00:57:33 EST

Al Viro wrote:
> On Sun, Jul 24, 2016 at 07:45:13PM +0200, Christian Lamparter wrote:
> > > The symptom is that downloaded files (http, ftp, and probably other
> > > protocols) have small corrupted segments (about 1-2 kilobytes long) in
> > > random locations. Only downloads that sustain a high speed for at least a
> > > few seconds are corrupted. Anything small enough to be received in less
> > > than about 5 seconds is not affected.
> Can that sucker be reproduced with netcat? That would eliminate all issues
> with multi-iovec recvmsg(2), narrowing the things down quite bit.

netcat seems to be immune. Comparing strace results, I didn't see any
recvmsg() calls in the other programs that have had the problem, but there
is an interesting difference: netcat calls select() to wait for the socket
to be ready for reading, where my other test programs just call read() and
let it block until ready.

So I wrote a small test program to isolate that difference. It downloads
a file using only read() and write() and a hardcoded HTTP request. It has
a select mode (main loop alternates read() and select() on the TCP socket)
and a noselect mode (main loop just read()s the TCP socket).

The program is included at the bottom of this message.

I ran it several times in both modes and got corruption if and only if the
noselect mode was used.

> Another thing (and if that works, it's *NOT* a proper fix - it would be
> papering over the problem, but at least it would show where to look for
> it) - try (on top of mainline) the following delta:
> diff --git a/net/core/datagram.c b/net/core/datagram.c

Will try that patch soon. Meanwhile, here's my test:

/* Demonstration program "dlbug".
Usage: dlbug select > outfile
dlbug noselect > outfile
outfile will contain the full HTTP response. Edit out the HTTP headers
and what's left should be a valid gzip if the download worked. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/select.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
const char *request =
"GET /debian/dists/stable/main/Contents-amd64.gz HTTP/1.0\r\n"
ssize_t request_len = strlen(request), w, r, copied;
struct addrinfo hints, *host;
int sock, err, doselect;
char buf[10240];

if(argc!=2 || (!strcmp(argv[1], "select") && !strcmp(argv[1], "noselect"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s {select|noselect}\n", argv[0]);
return 1;

doselect = !strcmp(argv[1], "select");

memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
hints.ai_family = AF_INET;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;

err = getaddrinfo("", 0, &hints, &host);
if(err) {
fprintf(stderr, "getaddrinfo: %s\n", gai_strerror(err));
return 1;

sock = socket(host->ai_family, host->ai_socktype, host->ai_protocol);
if(sock < 0) {
return 1;

((struct sockaddr_in *)host->ai_addr)->sin_port = htons(80);

if(connect(sock, host->ai_addr, host->ai_addrlen) < 0) {
return 1;

while(request_len) {
w = write(sock, request, request_len);
if(w < 0) {
perror("write to socket");
return 1;
request += w;
request_len -= w;

while((r = read(sock, buf, sizeof buf))) {
if(r < 0) {
perror("read from socket");
return 1;

copied = 0;
while(copied < r) {
w = write(1, buf+copied, r-copied);
if(w < 0) {
perror("write to stdout");
return 1;
copied += w;

if(doselect) {
fd_set rfds;
FD_SET(sock, &rfds);
select(sock+1, &rfds, 0, 0, 0);

return 0;

Alan Curry