Re: [PATCH v3 7/7] clk: rockchip: rk3399: Add support frac mode frequencies

From: Xing Zheng
Date: Thu Aug 04 2016 - 22:27:23 EST

Hi Heiko,

On 2016å08æ05æ 03:19, Heiko StÃbner wrote:
Hi Xing,

Am Dienstag, 2. August 2016, 15:22:59 schrieb Xing Zheng:
We need to support various display resolutions for external
display devices like HDMI/DP, the frac mode can help us to
acquire almost any frequencies, and need higher VCOs to reduce
clock jitters.

Signed-off-by: Xing Zheng<zhengxing@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
why does this need to be a separate rate array and cannot live in the general
pll rate array?

The plls are general purpose, so we shouldn't limit them arbitarily.
Yes, I understand your mean. :-)

I currently only see some frequencies (594MHz, 297MHz, 54MHz) that are present
in both arrays but have different settings. As your patch description says
that these settings reduce clock jitter, wouldn't the general frequencies also
profit from merging these new values into the general rate array?

and here are some of our ideas:

"WIth the frac mode and higher VCO to reduce clock jitters" that suggestion is from IC designer.
There are many and various kinds resolution and needed frequencies for external disaplay devices. For example, the DP needs:
3840x2160 533250KHz
3840x2160 297000KHz
3840x2160 296703KHz
2560x1440 241500KHz
1920x1080 148500KHz
1920x1080 148352KHz
1680x1050 146250KHz
1600x900 108000KHz
1280x1024 135000KHz
1280x1024 108000KHz
... and so on

There some frequencies must be allocated with frac mode. We separate these frequencies that are only used for display (VPLL) from the general rate table, and put them to be classified into a frac mode table, we can reduce the frequency of the query time, the two rate tables will not interfere with each other. Because other PLLs don't need to assgin these various frequencies with frac mode.


- Xing Zheng