On 2016-09-07 09:24:57 [+0100], Matt Redfearn wrote:
HI Sebastian,Hi Matt,
We can't share the states - one state is for one callback and one--- a/include/linux/cpuhotplug.hBut I'm curious why we have to create a new state here - this is going to
+++ b/include/linux/cpuhotplug.h
@@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ enum cpuhp_state {
get very unwieldy if every variant of every architecture has to have it's
own state values in that enumeration. Can this use, what I assume is (and
perhaps could be documented better in include/linux/cpuhotplug.h), the
generic prepare state CPUHP_NOTIFY_PREPARE?
callback only. If you want CPUHP_MIPS_PREPARE and you ensure that this
used only _once_ then this can be arranged.
For online states we have dynamic allocation of ids (which is what most
drivers should use). We don't have this of STARTING + PREPARE callbacks.