[PATCH 4.4 18/73] kbuild: forbid kernel directory to contain spaces and colons

From: Greg Kroah-Hartman
Date: Wed Sep 28 2016 - 05:36:39 EST

4.4-stable review patch. If anyone has any objections, please let me know.


From: Robert Jarzmik <robert.jarzmik@xxxxxxx>

commit 51193b76bfff5027cf96ba63effae808ad67cca7 upstream.

When the kernel path contains a space or a colon somewhere in the path
name, the modules_install target doesn't work anymore, as the path names
are not enclosed in double quotes. It is also supposed that and O= build
will suffer from the same weakness as modules_install.

Instead of checking and improving kbuild to resist to directories
including these characters, error out early to prevent any build if the
kernel's main directory contains a space.

Signed-off-by: Robert Jarzmik <robert.jarzmik@xxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Michal Marek <mmarek@xxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Greg Kroah-Hartman <gregkh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Makefile | 4 ++++
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+)

--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -128,6 +128,10 @@ _all:
# Cancel implicit rules on top Makefile
$(CURDIR)/Makefile Makefile: ;

+ifneq ($(words $(subst :, ,$(CURDIR))), 1)
+ $(error main directory cannot contain spaces nor colons)
ifneq ($(KBUILD_OUTPUT),)
# Invoke a second make in the output directory, passing relevant variables
# check that the output directory actually exists