Why not? It all depends on the load type, working set and the accessYes I did not say that there is a linear correlation but that does not mean that those two numbers move opposite to each other. On all our systems running more tasks that consume more CPU and memory result in increased branch misses.
patterns. There's no strong correlation between the load of a machine
and the amount of branch misses...
setpci -s 0x18.4 0x164.lWill do but there is no meaning as I already told you on the first mail that D18F4x164 is 00000003h. It will not change.
and looking at bit 2. If it is set, the erratum is fixed.
No, I don't mean that - I'm talking about *not* applying it by defaultYes I got it. I have no problem, you are free to do what you think is the best solution. Just ensure that it will not be possible to apply the fix to F16.
and when people start seeing issues like that, they can boot their
machines with something like "enable_e688_workaround" or so and it will
get applied then. I.e., an "opt-in" deal.