On 3 November 2016 at 11:00, Larry Finger <Larry.Finger@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 10/30/2016 05:20 AM, John Heenan wrote:
This fix enables the same sequence of init behaviour as the alternative
working driver for the wireless rtl8723bu IC at
For exampe rtl8xxxu_init_device is now called each time
userspace wpa_supplicant is executed instead of just once when
modprobe is executed.
After all the trouble you have had with your patches, I would expect you to
use more care when composing the commit message. Note the typo in the
paragraph above.
OK, the nasty games continue and the message is not getting through.
An appropriate response by a maintainer would have been to request I
revise the code according to the way it has currently and elegantly
revised in.