Re: wl1251 & mac address & calibration data
From: Daniel Wagner
Date: Fri Dec 16 2016 - 02:26:10 EST
On 12/16/2016 03:03 AM, Luis R. Rodriguez wrote:
For the new API a solution for "fallback mechanisms" should be clean
though and I am looking to stay as far as possible from the existing
mess. A solution to help both the old API and new API is possible for
the "fallback mechanism" though -- but for that I can only refer you
at this point to some of Daniel Wagner and Tom Gunderson's firmwared
deamon prospect. It should help pave the way for a clean solution and
help address other stupid issues.
The firmwared project is hosted here
As Luis pointed out, firmwared relies on FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER_FALLBACK,
which is not enabled by default. I don't see any reason why firmwared
should not also support loading calibration data. If we find a sound way
to do this.
As you can see from the commit history it is a pretty young project and
more ore less reanimation of the old udev firmware loader feature. We
are getting int into shape, adding integration tests etc.
The main motivation for this project is the get movement back in stuck
discussion on the firmware loader API. Luis was very busy writing up all
the details on the current situation and purely from the amount of
documentation need to describe the API you can tell something is awry.