Re: [PATCH v6 08/14] ACPI: ARM64: IORT: rework iort_node_get_id()

From: Hanjun Guo
Date: Thu Jan 05 2017 - 03:20:50 EST

Hi Lorenzo,

On 2017/1/5 1:58, Lorenzo Pieralisi wrote:
On Mon, Jan 02, 2017 at 09:31:39PM +0800, Hanjun Guo wrote:
iort_node_get_id() has two output, one is the mapped ids,
the other is the referenced parent node which is returned
from the function.

For now we need a API just return its parent node for
single mapping, so just update this function slightly then
reuse it later.

I think we need to fix iort_node_get_id() first though, I am referring
to the index usage in relation to acpi_iort_id_mapping.output_reference
and related parent pointer retrieval as you reported to me, I am happy
to send it upstream independently.

Sure, please.

As for this patch it is ok even though we can create an API that
just retrieve a node parent without fiddling about with passing
a NULL pointer for the id_out to achieve the same.

Since you commented "[PATCH v6 05/14] ACPI: platform-msi: retrieve dev
id from IORT" which also refer to this API, I will reply in that
