[RFC PATCH v1 5/6] kernel-doc: add kerneldoc-src2rst command
From: Markus Heiser
Date: Tue Jan 24 2017 - 14:53:19 EST
this patch adds a command to auto-generate documentation from kernel's
source tree.::
scripts/kerneldoc-src2rst --help
E.g. to autodoc the kernel's ./include folder use::
scripts/kerneldoc-src2rst ./include /tmp/test123
>From the resulting reST-doctree you can build HTML rendered output like
the one in [1]. I use it to see, if patches on the kernel_doc.py parser
cause a regression (compare reST before/after the patch). Autodoc the
whole source tree takes a long time. To speed up, the src2rst module
uses multiprocessing from [2]. This means, it consumes all your CPUs. If
you don't want this, use option '--threads=n'.
[1] https://h2626237.stratoserver.net/kernel/linux_src_doc/index.html
[2] https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/multiprocessing.html
Signed-off-by: Markus Heiser <markus.heiser@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Documentation/sphinx/src2rst.py | 229 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
scripts/kerneldoc-src2rst | 11 ++
2 files changed, 240 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 Documentation/sphinx/src2rst.py
create mode 100755 scripts/kerneldoc-src2rst
diff --git a/Documentation/sphinx/src2rst.py b/Documentation/sphinx/src2rst.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..d8d6e7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/sphinx/src2rst.py
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: python -*-
+# pylint: disable=C0103
+ src2rst
+ ~~~~~~~
+ Implementation of the ``kerneldoc-src2rst`` command.
+ :copyright: Copyright (C) 2016 Markus Heiser
+ :license: GPL Version 2, June 1991 see Linux/COPYING for details.
+ The ``kerneldoc-src2rst`` command extracts documentation from Linux kernel's
+ source code comments, see ``--help``::
+ $ kerneldoc-src2rst --help
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# imports
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import sys
+import argparse
+import re
+import multiprocessing
+import six
+from fspath import FSPath, OS_ENV
+import kernel_doc as kerneldoc
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# config
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+MARKUP = "kernel-doc" # "reST"
+MSG = lambda msg: sys.__stderr__.write("INFO : %s\n" % msg)
+ERR = lambda msg: sys.__stderr__.write("ERROR: %s\n" % msg)
+FATAL = lambda msg: sys.__stderr__.write("FATAL: %s\n" % msg)
+IGNORE = ['kernel-doc.rst']
+.. -*- coding: utf-8; mode: rst -*-
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+CMD = None # global used by multiprocessing
+SRCTREE = FSPath(OS_ENV.get("srctree", ""))
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def main():
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ global CMD # pylint: disable=W0603, W0621
+ CLI = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description = ("Parse *kernel-doc* comments from source code")
+ , formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "srctree"
+ , help = "Folder of source code."
+ , type = lambda x: FSPath(x).ABSPATH)
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "doctree"
+ , help = "Folder to place reST documentation."
+ , type = lambda x: FSPath(x).ABSPATH)
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--sloppy"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "Sloppy comment check, reports only severe errors.")
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--force"
+ , action = "store_true"
+ , help = "Don't stop if doctree exists.")
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--threads"
+ , type = int
+ , default = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
+ , help = "Use up to n threads.")
+ CLI.add_argument(
+ "--markup"
+ , choices = ["reST", "kernel-doc", "auto"]
+ , default = "auto"
+ , help = (
+ "Markup of the comments. Change this option only if you know"
+ " what you do. New comments must be marked up with reST!"))
+ CMD = CLI.parse_args()
+ if not CMD.srctree.EXISTS:
+ ERR("%s does not exists." % CMD.srctree)
+ sys.exit(42)
+ if not CMD.srctree.ISDIR:
+ ERR("%s is not a folder." % CMD.srctree)
+ sys.exit(42)
+ if not CMD.force and CMD.doctree.EXISTS:
+ ERR("%s is in the way, remove it first" % CMD.doctree)
+ sys.exit(42)
+ CMD.rst_files = set()
+ if CMD.markup == "auto":
+ CMD.rst_files = docgrep(SRCTREE/"Documentation")
+ pool = multiprocessing.Pool(CMD.threads)
+ pool.map(autodoc_file, gather_filenames(CMD))
+ pool.close()
+ pool.join()
+ insert_index_files(CMD.doctree)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def gather_filenames(cmd):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ MSG("gather files ...")
+ for fname in cmd.srctree.reMatchFind(r"^.*\.[ch]$"):
+ if fname.startswith(CMD.srctree/"Documentation"):
+ continue
+ yield fname
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def autodoc_file(fname):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ fname = fname.relpath(CMD.srctree)
+ markup = CMD.markup
+ if CMD.markup == "kernel-doc" and fname in CMD.rst_files:
+ markup = "reST"
+ opts = kerneldoc.ParseOptions(
+ rel_fname = fname
+ , src_tree = CMD.srctree
+ , verbose_warn = not (CMD.sloppy)
+ , markup = markup )
+ parser = kerneldoc.Parser(opts, kerneldoc.NullTranslator())
+ try:
+ parser.parse()
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703
+ FATAL("kernel-doc markup of %s seems buggy / can't parse" % opts.fname)
+ return
+ if not parser.ctx.dump_storage:
+ # no kernel-doc comments found
+ MSG("parsed: NONE comments: %s" % opts.fname)
+ return
+ MSG("parsed: %4d comments: %s" % (len(parser.ctx.dump_storage), opts.fname))
+ try:
+ rst = six.StringIO()
+ translator = kerneldoc.ReSTTranslator()
+ opts.out = rst
+ # First try to output reST, this might fail, because the kernel-doc
+ # parser part is to tollerant ("bad lines", "function name and function
+ # declaration are different", etc ...).
+ parser.parse_dump_storage(translator=translator)
+ outFile = CMD.doctree / fname.replace(".","_") + ".rst"
+ outFile.DIRNAME.makedirs()
+ with outFile.openTextFile(mode="w") as out:
+ out.write(rst.getvalue())
+ except Exception: # pylint: disable=W0703
+ FATAL("kernel-doc markup of %s seems buggy / can't parse" % opts.fname)
+ return
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def insert_index_files(folder):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ for folder, dirnames, filenames in folder.walk():
+ ctx = kerneldoc.Container( title = folder.FILENAME )
+ dirnames.sort()
+ filenames.sort()
+ indexFile = folder / "index.rst"
+ MSG("create index: %s" % indexFile)
+ with indexFile.openTextFile(mode="w") as index:
+ index.write(TEMPLATE_INDEX % ctx)
+ for d in dirnames:
+ index.write(" %s/index\n" % d.FILENAME)
+ for f in filenames:
+ if f.FILENAME == "index":
+ continue
+ index.write(" %s\n" % f.FILENAME)
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def docgrep(folder):
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Hackisch script to grep all '.. kernel-doc::' directives. The assumption
+ # is, that comments from the source files used in those directives are
+ # allready migratetd to the reST format. I guess that (ATM) 95-99% of the
+ # comments are not migrated, those will be parsed with the old kernel-doc
+ # comment style introduced by the old DocBook toolchain.
+ pat = re.compile(r"^\s*\.\.\s+kernel-doc::\s*([^\s]+)\s*$")
+ out = set()
+ for rstFile in folder.reMatchFind(r".*\.rst"):
+ if rstFile.BASENAME in IGNORE:
+ continue
+ #print(rstFile)
+ with rstFile.openTextFile() as f:
+ for l in f:
+ match = pat.search(l)
+ if match:
+ #print(match.group(1))
+ out.add(match.group(1))
+ return sorted(out)
diff --git a/scripts/kerneldoc-src2rst b/scripts/kerneldoc-src2rst
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6c5e8b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/kerneldoc-src2rst
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import sys
+from os import path
+linuxdoc = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
+linuxdoc = path.join(linuxdoc, 'Documentation', 'sphinx')
+sys.path.insert(0, linuxdoc)
+import src2rst