Re: [lustre-devel] [PATCH 60/60] staging: lustre: libcfs: fix minimum size check for libcfs ioctl

From: Olaf Weber
Date: Wed Feb 01 2017 - 08:41:10 EST

On 31-01-17 03:25, James Simmons wrote:


Also I'm uncomfortable with:

data = container_of(hdr, struct libcfs_ioctl_data, ioc_hdr);

If hdr isn't the first member of the struct then the code is broken but
container_of() implies that that isn't a hard requirement. It should
just be:

data = (struct libcfs_ioctl_data *)hdr;

Don't know if hdr being first is a hard requirment. Doug, Amir do you know
if it is an requirement?

It's a requirement.

Olaf Weber SGI Phone: +31(0)30-6696796
Veldzigt 2b Fax: +31(0)30-6696799
Sr Software Engineer 3454 PW de Meern Vnet: 955-6796
Storage Software The Netherlands Email: olaf@xxxxxxx