Re: [PATCH 1/2] spi: imx: dynamic burst length adjust for PIO mode

From: Mark Brown
Date: Tue Feb 14 2017 - 13:20:45 EST

On Wed, Feb 08, 2017 at 03:20:27PM +0900, Jiada Wang wrote:

This looks basically fine, a couple of fairly minor things here:

> + for (i = 0; i < transfer->len / 4; i++) {
> + u8 temp;
> +
> + temp = *(buf + i * 4);
> + *(buf + i * 4) = *(buf + i * 4 + 3);
> + *(buf + i * 4 + 3) = temp;

Should this be using one of the cpu_to_ functions? It's a bit unclear
what the goal is here and if it'll work if the kernel is big endian
(which people do do with i.MX systems IIRC).

> + if (spi_imx->bpw_w == 1)
> + spi_imx_buf_rx_u8(spi_imx);
> + else if (spi_imx->bpw_w == 2)
> + spi_imx_buf_rx_u16(spi_imx);

switch statement please.

> + if (spi_imx->dynamic_burst) {
> + spi_imx->count_index =
> + spi_imx->count > MX51_ECSPI_CTRL_MAX_BURST ?
> + spi_imx->count % MX51_ECSPI_CTRL_MAX_BURST :
> + spi_imx->count % sizeof(u32);

Just write a normal if statement please, it's easier to read.

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