Re: [PATCH v9 1/8] drivers:input:tsc2007: add new common binding names, pre-calibration, flipping and rotation
From: Petr Cvek
Date: Mon Feb 20 2017 - 17:26:25 EST
Dne 20.2.2017 v 17:50 H. Nikolaus Schaller napsal(a):
> Hi Pavel,
>> Am 19.02.2017 um 23:19 schrieb Pavel Machek <pavel@xxxxxx>:
>> hi!
>>>>> But as said I don't think we need float or fixed point for practical systems
>>>>> at all.
>>>> So you are going to loose precision. And if userspace decides to
>>>> calibrate it slightly differently from kernel, lost precision will
>>>> matter.
>>> Really?
>> Really.
>>> Example:
>>> ADC values go 100 .. 3995 (i.e. touch margin is 100 steps in pre-calibration)
>>> This is scaled to let's say 0..640.
>> Ok. Now userspace realizes that kernel alignemnt is off, and it would
>> want to scale it to 1..642.
> Screen coordinates are still 0..639.
>> That will mean that single pixel will be
>> inaccessible, right?
> Yes, that can happen if the additional user-space scale is > 1.0.
> As long as it is small (I expect <1.01 = 1% error in scale) it is
> barely noticeable.
> Therefore, I asked before: how big in pixels is your finger or stylus?
> Does this effect matter?
> A resistive touch is a man-machine-interface where people press buttons of at
> least 12x12 pixels size (or they are no longer visually recognizable).
Smallest kernel font is 4x6 (i think) and I'm regularly using 8x8. I would like
to be able to select a single letter in the console.