Re: [PATCH v17 0/3] USB Type-C Connector class
From: Mats Karrman
Date: Wed Mar 22 2017 - 17:16:19 EST
On 03/21/2017 11:37 AM, Heikki Krogerus wrote:
I'm lost in the long thread here, is this series still ready to be
merged in, or is there another version that is being worked on?
There was one documentation fix proposed Mats. The rest of the thread
was not about these patches.
I'll send one more version and fix the documentation.
A bit late but...
After reading a bit more I found that there is a miss-match between
Documentation/ABI/testing/sysfs-class-typec on one side and the actual
code and Documentation/usb/typec.rst on the other side. In the first it
looks like all attribute groups are flat under typec/ but in the code
and the other document they are instead created in a tree, e.g.:
BR // Mats