Hi, HeikoSo we remain gmac2io, or you have other idea?
å 2017å03æ21æ 16:55, Heiko StÃbner åé:
Hi,RK3328 have another gmac channel with PHY in the soc, so gmac2io mean the channel with the PHY outside, and it is also called gmac2io in the TRM.
Am Donnerstag, 16. MÃrz 2017, 21:17:22 CET schrieb cl@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx:
+ assigned-clock-parents =phandle should be gmac instead?
+ <&cru HDMIPHY>, <&cru PLL_APLL>,
+ <&cru PLL_GPLL>, <&xin24m>,
+ <&xin24m>, <&xin24m>;
+ assigned-clock-rates =
+ <0>, <61440000>,
+ <0>, <24000000>,
+ <24000000>, <24000000>,
+ <15000000>, <15000000>,
+ <100000000>, <100000000>,
+ <100000000>, <100000000>,
+ <50000000>, <100000000>,
+ <100000000>, <100000000>,
+ <50000000>, <50000000>,
+ <50000000>, <50000000>,
+ <24000000>, <600000000>,
+ <491520000>, <1200000000>,
+ <150000000>, <75000000>,
+ <75000000>, <150000000>,
+ <75000000>, <75000000>,
+ <300000000>, <100000000>,
+ <300000000>, <200000000>,
+ <400000000>, <500000000>,
+ <200000000>, <300000000>,
+ <300000000>, <250000000>,
+ <200000000>, <100000000>,
+ <24000000>, <100000000>,
+ <150000000>, <50000000>,
+ <32768>, <32768>;
+ };
+ gmac2io: eth@ff540000 {
Node name, ethernet@ff540000