Re: [PATCH 1/3] ARM: dts: rockchip: Add support for phyCORE-RK3288 SoM

From: Heiko Stuebner
Date: Thu Apr 06 2017 - 04:31:05 EST

Am Montag, 3. April 2017, 12:23:03 CEST schrieb Wadim Egorov:
> The phyCORE-RK3288 is a SoM (System on Module) containing a RK3288 SoC.
> The module can be connected to different carrier boards.
> It can be also equipped with different RAM, SPI flash and eMMC variants.
> The Rapid Development Kit option is using the following setup:
> - 1 GB DDR3 RAM (2 Banks)
> - 1x 4 KB EEPROM
> - DP83867 Gigabit Ethernet PHY
> - 16 MB SPI Flash
> - 4 GB eMMC Flash
> Signed-off-by: Wadim Egorov <w.egorov@xxxxxxxxx>

applied for 4.12 with the following minor changes:

- moved phy-handle property up a bit
- switches compatible and #address+#size-cells in mdio0
- dropped rockchip,grf from &io_domains (grf is a simple-mfd and can
get the grf syscon on its own via its parent)
- vdd_cpu: regulator@60 (from fan53555@60)
- serial_flash: flash@0 (from m25p80@0)
Nodes should be named after their "category" not the actual device
