Re: [PATCH] thermal: broadcom: ns-thermal: depends/default only for NS/NSP

From: RafaÅ MiÅecki
Date: Thu Jun 01 2017 - 06:16:10 EST

On 2017-05-31 21:55, Jon Mason wrote:
ARCH_BCM_IPROC includes support for many SoCs, not all of which have the
same thermal hardware interface as the Northstar/Northstar Plus SoCs.
This is not a major issue, as this driver will only be probed if the
relevant device tree entry is present. However, it will result in a
slightly larger than necessary kernel. By limiting the driver to only
work on the NS/NSP SoCs, we can avoid the issue.

Suggested-by: Scott Branden <scott.branden@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Jon Mason <jon.mason@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Sounds OK, thanks.