Re: [PATCH V10 0/3] PM / Domains: Performance state support
From: Viresh Kumar
Date: Wed Oct 04 2017 - 02:45:34 EST
On 03-10-17, 09:52, Ulf Hansson wrote:
> We sorted out things at LPC!
> However, the last weeks discussions at Linaro connect, raised a couple
> of more concerns with the current approach. Let me summarize them
> here.
> 1)
> The ->dev_get_performance_state(), which currently translates
> frequency for a device to a performance index of its PM domain, is too
> closely integrated with genpd. Instead this kind of translation rather
> belongs as a part of the OPP core, because of not limiting this only
> to translate frequencies, but perhaps *later* also voltages.
> 2)
> Propagating an aggregated increased requested performance state index
> for a genpd, upwards in the hierarchy of its master domains, is
> currently not needed by any existing SoCs.
> 3) If some day the need for 2) becomes required, we must not assume a
> 1 to 1 mapping of the supported performance state index for a
> master/subdomain. For example a domain may support 1-5, while its
> master may support 1-8.
> Taking this into consideration, this series need yet another round of
> re-spin. The ->dev_get_performance_state() part should be move to the
> OPP layer and the code dealing with the aggregation of the performance
> state index can be greatly simplified.
Thanks for the summary.
>From the above, it looks like I can send this series right away instead of
waiting for the multiple genpd per device thing? Is that the case ?