Re: [PATCH 1/3] wireless: iwlwifi: use bool instead of int
From: Luciano Coelho
Date: Wed Oct 04 2017 - 15:19:00 EST
On Wed, 2017-10-04 at 10:55 -0700, Joe Perches wrote:
> On Wed, 2017-10-04 at 19:39 +0300, Luciano Coelho wrote:
> > On Wed, 2017-10-04 at 09:26 -0700, Joe Perches wrote:
> []
> > > This might be more intelligble as separate tests
> > >
> > > static bool is_valid_channel(u16 ch_id)
> > > {
> > > if (ch_id <= 14)
> > > return true;
> > >
> > > if ((ch_id % 4 == 0) &&
> > > ((ch_id >= 36 && ch_id <= 64) ||
> > > (ch_id >= 100 && ch_id <= 140)))
> > > return true;
> > >
> > > if ((ch_id % 4 == 1) &&
> > > (chid >= 145 && ch_id <= 165))
> > > return true;
> > >
> > > return false;
> > > }
> > >
> > > The compiler should produce the same object code.
> >
> > Yeah, it may be a bit easier to read, but I don't want to start
> > getting
> > "fixes" to working and reasonable code. There's nothing wrong with
> > the
> > existing function (except maybe for the int vs. boolean) so let's
> > not
> > change it.
> >
> > A good time to change this would be the next time someone adds yet
> > another range of valid channels here. ;)
> <shrug> Your choice.
> I like code I can read and understand at a glance.
I do too, but I don't think the original is that hard to read, really.
Each "if" you add is already corresponding to one separate line in the
original code...
> At case somebody needs to add channels, likely nobody
> would do the change suggested but would just add
> another test to the already odd looking block.
Yeah, that would most likely be the case, but if I saw that and thought
there was a better way to write it, believe me, I would definitely
nitpick the patch and ask the author to reorg the code so it would look
> And constants should be on the right side of the tests.
Sure, in a new patch, we would definitely pay attention to that. But
now, is it worth having one more patch go through the entire machinery
to change a relatively clear, extremely simple function just because
you could write it in a different way? My answer is a resounding no,