Re: [PATCH v2 2/3] mtd: spi-nor: stm32-quadspi: fix prefetching outside fsize

From: Cyrille Pitchen
Date: Sun Oct 29 2017 - 13:57:47 EST

Le 26/10/2017 Ã 17:12, Ludovic Barre a ÃcritÂ:
> From: Ludovic Barre <ludovic.barre@xxxxxx>
> When memory-mapped mode is used, a prefetching mechanism fully
> managed by the hardware allows to optimize the read from external
> the QSPI memory. A 32-bytes FIFO is used for prefetching.
> When the limit of flash size - fifo size is reached the prefetching
> mechanism tries to read outside the fsize.
> The stm32 quadspi hardware become busy and should be aborted.
> Signed-off-by: Ludovic Barre <ludovic.barre@xxxxxx>
> Reported-by: Bruno Herrera <bruherrera@xxxxxxxxx>
> Tested-by: Bruno Herrera <bruherrera@xxxxxxxxx>

Applied to the spi-nor/next branch of l2-mtd
