Re: [PATCH] platform/x86: fujitsu-laptop: Fix radio LED detection

From: MichaÅ KÄpieÅ
Date: Tue Oct 31 2017 - 00:20:37 EST

> > Do you consider this an important fix? We are at -rc7 now, I'm not
> > sure it's so critical. Tell me if you consider otherwise.
> I agree - from my perspective I wouldn't have thought it so critical as to
> push it out this late in the development cycle. It's not a regression as
> such and is largely cosmetic. Others may argue differently though.

I agree as well. The erroneous log messages will only be generated when
any rfkill device in the system is enabled or disabled, so IMHO this is
mostly a nuisance thus can be handled when convenient.

Best regards,
MichaÅ KÄpieÅ