Re: [PATCH 1/4] kbuild: create directory for make cache only when necessary
From: Masahiro Yamada
Date: Thu Nov 09 2017 - 23:13:56 EST
Hi Douglas,
Thanks for your review.
2017-11-10 2:59 GMT+09:00 Doug Anderson <dianders@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 7:41 AM, Masahiro Yamada
> <yamada.masahiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Currently, the existence of $(dir $(make-cache)) is always checked,
>> and created if it is missing.
>> We can avoid unnecessary system calls by some tricks.
>> [1] If KBUILD_SRC is unset, we are building in the source tree.
>> The output directory checks can be entirely skipped.
>> [2] If at least one cache data is found, it means the cache file
>> was included. Obiously its directory exists. Skip "mkdir -p".
>> [3] If Makefile does not contain any call of __run-and-store, it will
>> not create a cache file. No need to create its directory.
>> [4] The "mkdir -p" should be only invoked by the first call of
>> __run-and-store
>> Signed-off-by: Masahiro Yamada <yamada.masahiro@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> ---
>> scripts/Kbuild.include | 13 +++++++++----
>> 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>> diff --git a/scripts/Kbuild.include b/scripts/Kbuild.include
>> index be1c9d6..4fb1be1 100644
>> --- a/scripts/Kbuild.include
>> +++ b/scripts/Kbuild.include
>> @@ -99,18 +99,19 @@ cc-cross-prefix = \
>> # Include values from last time
>> make-cache := $(if $(KBUILD_EXTMOD),$(KBUILD_EXTMOD)/,$(if $(obj),$(obj)/))
>> -ifeq ($(wildcard $(dir $(make-cache))),)
>> -$(shell mkdir -p '$(dir $(make-cache))')
>> -endif
>> $(make-cache): ;
>> -include $(make-cache)
>> +cached-data := $(filter __cached_%, $(.VARIABLES))
>> +
>> # If cache exceeds 1000 lines, shrink it down to 500.
>> -ifneq ($(word 1000,$(filter __cached_%, $(.VARIABLES))),)
>> +ifneq ($(word 1000,$(cached-data)),)
>> $(shell tail -n 500 $(make-cache) > $(make-cache).tmp; \
>> mv $(make-cache).tmp $(make-cache))
>> endif
>> +cache-dir := $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(if $(cache-data),,$(dir $(make-cache))))
> It wouldn't hurt to add a comment that cache-dir will be blank if we
> don't need to make the cache dir and will contain a directory path
> only if the dir doesn't exist. Without a comment it could take
> someone quite a while to realize that...
You are right. This is confusing.
Another idea is use a boolean flag.
For example, like follows:
create-cache-dir := $(if $(KBUILD_SRC),$(if $(cache-data),,1)))
define __run-and-store
ifeq ($(origin $(1)),undefined)
$$(eval $(1) := $$(shell $$(2)))
ifeq ($(create-cache-dir),1)
$$(shell mkdir -p $(dir $(make-cache)))
$$(eval create-cache-dir :=)
$$(shell echo '$(1) := $$($(1))' >> $(make-cache))
Perhaps, this is clearer and self-documenting.
>> +
>> # Usage: $(call __sanitize-opt,Hello=Hola$(comma)Goodbye Adios)
>> #
>> # Convert all '$', ')', '(', '\', '=', ' ', ',', ':' to '_'
>> @@ -136,6 +137,10 @@ __sanitize-opt = $(subst $$,_,$(subst $(right_paren),_,$(subst $(left_paren),_,$
>> define __run-and-store
>> ifeq ($(origin $(1)),undefined)
>> $$(eval $(1) := $$(shell $$(2)))
>> +ifneq ($(cache-dir),)
>> + $$(shell mkdir -p $(cache-dir))
> I _think_ you want some single quotes in there. AKA:
> $$(shell mkdir -p '$(cache-dir)')
> That at least matches what the "old" code used to do. Specifically if
> 'cache-dir' happens to have a space in it then it won't work right
> without the single quotes. There may be other symbols that your shell
> might interpret in interesting ways, too.
Kbuild always runs in the output directory.
So, 'cache-dir' is always a relative path from the top of kernel directory
whether O= option is given or not.
For kernel source, I do not see any file path containing spaces.
Just in case, I renamed a directory and tested, but
something strange happened in silentoldconfig, it would not work.
Insane people may want to use a file path with spaces
for external modules.
I tested,
obj-m := fo o/
but, this would not work either.
It will be difficult to make it work
because $(sort ...) is used in several places
in core makefiles.
So, my conclusion is, it does not work.
> NOTE: I have no idea if the kernel Makefiles work if paths like
> KBUILD_SRC have spaces in them to begin with, but it seems wise to add
> the quotes here anyway.
I have not tested this case.
Probably, this will be less difficult
if we want to allow spaces in KBUILD_SRC.
> ALSO NOTE: I think you could still confuse the kernel Makefiles if
> somehow you had a single quote in your path somehow. I assume we
> don't care?
Hmm, I do not think this is worth efforts.
Probably, the most reasonable solution is
please do not use special characters in file paths.
>> + $$(eval cache-dir :=)
>> +endif
>> $$(shell echo '$(1) := $$($(1))' >> $(make-cache))
>> endif
>> endef
> Other than the single quote problem and the suggested comment, this
> seems like a sane optimization to me. Feel free to add my Reviewed-by
> once those fixes are in place.
> -Doug
> --
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Best Regards
Masahiro Yamada