Re: Adding LICENSES folder for REUSE
From: Carmen Bianca Bakker
Date: Sun Nov 12 2017 - 08:11:04 EST
Hello Charlemagne,
Charlemagne Lasse schreef op za 11-11-2017 om 23:29 [+0100]:
> 1. SPDX license identifier first
> 2. Full BSD/MIT/ISC license in source files is sufficient and don't
> ÂÂÂrequire License-Filename
> 3. verbatim licenses which are not in source files (GPL, LGPL, MPL, ...)
> ÂÂÂshould be in LICENSES/
> 4. License-Filename tag can be added later and multiple are allowed per
> ÂÂÂfile
Yes, that is all quite correct :)ÂÂThe REUSE recommendations are
threefold, roughly:
1. Include verbatim licence text in repository.
2. Add licence information about each file.
3. (Optional-ish) Create an SPDX bill of materials that can be
We also have some recommendations about _how_ you might go about doing
this, e.g., putting the licences in a LICENSES folder or putting certain
headers in code files, but the exact implementation is eventually up to
the project itself.
`SPDX-License-Identifier` and `License-Filename` do roughly the same
thing, apart from the difference which Jonas mentioned.ÂÂI know that
some kernel code files already use the SPDX-License-Identifier tag, and
it seems to me that just satisfying that tag would be sufficient to
start with.
> If this understanding is correct then I would still propose that the
> LICENSES folder is prepared with the previously identified long licenses
> (which are currently not stored completely in the source files):
If the kernel project did only this and stopped there, that would take
you half the way there already.ÂÂJust having (and distributing) the
licence texts verbatim is reasonably important as far as legal
responsibilities go.
Yours sincerely,
Carmen Bianca Bakker
Technical Intern
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