Re: [PATCH] wcn36xx: Set BTLE coexistence related configuration values to defaults

From: Kalle Valo
Date: Tue Nov 14 2017 - 01:55:52 EST

Ramon Fried <rfried@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:

> From: Eyal Ilsar <eilsar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> If the value for the firmware configuration parameters
> BTC_STATIC_LEN_LE_BT and BTC_STATIC_LEN_LE_WLAN are not set the duty
> cycle between BT and WLAN is such that if BT (including BLE) is active
> WLAN gets 0 bandwidth. When tuning these parameters having a too high
> value for WLAN means that BLE performance degrades. The "sweet" point
> of roughly half of the maximal values was empirically found to achieve
> a balance between BLE and Wi-Fi coexistence performance.
> Signed-off-by: Eyal Ilsar <eilsar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Signed-off-by: Ramon Fried <rfried@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Then submit a new version of the patch then please include the version

So after fixing Bjorn's comments the next version should be v3.

Kalle Valo