[PATCH V2 1/4] perf/x86/intel: fix event update for auto-reload

From: kan . liang
Date: Wed Dec 20 2017 - 14:44:45 EST

From: Kan Liang <kan.liang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

There is bug when mmap read event->count with large PEBS enabled.
Here is an example.

There is auto-reload mechanism enabled for PEBS events in fixed period
mode. But the calculation of event->count does not take the auto-reload
values into account. Anyone who read the event->count will get wrong
result, e.g x86_pmu_read. Also, the calculation of hwc->period_left is
wrong either. It impacts the accuracy of period for the first record in
PEBS multiple records.

The issue is introduced with the auto-reload mechanism enabled by
commit 851559e35fd5 ("perf/x86/intel: Use the PEBS auto reload mechanism
when possible")

Introduce intel_pmu_save_and_restart_reload only for auto-reload.

The formula to calculate the event->count is as below.
event->count = period left from last time +
(reload_times - 1) * reload_val +
latency of PMI handler

prev_count is the last observed hardware counter value. Just the same as
non-auto-reload, its absolute value is the period of the first record.
It should not update with each reload. Because it doesn't 'observe' the
hardware counter for each auto-reload.

For the second and later records, the period is exactly the reload
value. Just need to simply add (reload_times - 1) * reload_val to

The calculation of the latency of PMI handler is a little bit different
as non-auto-reload. Because the start point is -reload_value. It needs
to be adjusted by adding reload_value.
The period_left needs to do the same adjustment.

There is nothing need to do in x86_perf_event_set_period(). Because it
is fixed period. The period_left is already adjusted.

Signed-off-by: Kan Liang <kan.liang@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
arch/x86/events/intel/ds.c | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
1 file changed, 67 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/arch/x86/events/intel/ds.c b/arch/x86/events/intel/ds.c
index 3674a4b..cc1f373 100644
--- a/arch/x86/events/intel/ds.c
+++ b/arch/x86/events/intel/ds.c
@@ -1251,17 +1251,82 @@ get_next_pebs_record_by_bit(void *base, void *top, int bit)
return NULL;

+ * Specific intel_pmu_save_and_restart() for auto-reload.
+ */
+static int intel_pmu_save_and_restart_reload(struct perf_event *event,
+ u64 reload_val,
+ int reload_times)
+ struct hw_perf_event *hwc = &event->hw;
+ int shift = 64 - x86_pmu.cntval_bits;
+ u64 prev_raw_count, new_raw_count;
+ u64 delta;
+ if ((reload_times == 0) || (reload_val == 0))
+ return intel_pmu_save_and_restart(event);
+ /*
+ * Careful: an NMI might modify the previous event value.
+ *
+ * Our tactic to handle this is to first atomically read and
+ * exchange a new raw count - then add that new-prev delta
+ * count to the generic event atomically:
+ */
+ prev_raw_count = local64_read(&hwc->prev_count);
+ rdpmcl(hwc->event_base_rdpmc, new_raw_count);
+ if (local64_cmpxchg(&hwc->prev_count, prev_raw_count,
+ new_raw_count) != prev_raw_count)
+ goto again;
+ /*
+ * Now we have the new raw value and have updated the prev
+ * timestamp already. We can now calculate the elapsed delta
+ * (event-)time and add that to the generic event.
+ *
+ * Careful, not all hw sign-extends above the physical width
+ * of the count.
+ *
+ * event->count = period left from last time +
+ * (reload_times - 1) * reload_val +
+ * latency of PMI handler
+ * The period left from last time can be got from -prev_count.
+ * The start points of counting is always -reload_val.
+ * So the real latency of PMI handler is reload_val + new_raw_count.
+ */
+ delta = (reload_val << shift) + (new_raw_count << shift) -
+ (prev_raw_count << shift);
+ delta >>= shift;
+ local64_add(reload_val * (reload_times - 1), &event->count);
+ local64_add(delta, &event->count);
+ local64_sub(delta, &hwc->period_left);
+ return x86_perf_event_set_period(event);
static void __intel_pmu_pebs_event(struct perf_event *event,
struct pt_regs *iregs,
void *base, void *top,
int bit, int count)
+ struct hw_perf_event *hwc = &event->hw;
struct perf_sample_data data;
struct pt_regs regs;
void *at = get_next_pebs_record_by_bit(base, top, bit);

- if (!intel_pmu_save_and_restart(event) &&
- !(event->hw.flags & PERF_X86_EVENT_AUTO_RELOAD))
+ if (hwc->flags & PERF_X86_EVENT_AUTO_RELOAD) {
+ /*
+ * Now, auto-reload is only enabled in fixed period mode.
+ * The reload value is always hwc->sample_period.
+ * May need to change it, if auto-reload is enabled in
+ * freq mode later.
+ */
+ intel_pmu_save_and_restart_reload(event, hwc->sample_period,
+ count);
+ } else if (!intel_pmu_save_and_restart(event))

while (count > 1) {