Re: [PATCH 2/3] mailbox: Avoid NULL dereference in mbox_chan_received_data

From: Jassi Brar
Date: Thu Mar 01 2018 - 08:32:43 EST

On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 7:57 AM, Samuel Holland <samuel@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> If a reception IRQ is pending when a mailbox channel is shut down (for
> example, if the controller uses threaded interrupts), it is possible for
> mbox_chan_received_data to be called while chan->cl is NULL.
We can add a check in mailbox.c, but that is like shoving it under the carpet.
How does your code look like? mbox_chan_received_data() is meant to
be called from interrupt context as its documentation says.
Also the controller driver is responsible for ceasing any transient
xfer before returning from shutdown() callback.
