Re: [PATCH] earlycon: Allow specifying a uartclk in options

From: Andy Shevchenko
Date: Thu Mar 01 2018 - 13:46:43 EST

On Thu, Mar 1, 2018 at 8:20 PM, Daniel Kurtz <djkurtz@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Currently when an earlycon is registered, the uartclk is assumed to be
> BASE_BAUD * 16 = 1843200. If a baud rate is specified in the earlycon
> options, then 8250_early's init_port will program the UART clock divider
> registers based on this assumed uartclk.
> However, not all uarts have a UART clock of 1843200. For example, the
> 8250_dw uart in AMD's CZ/ST uses a fixed 48 MHz clock (as specified in
> cz_uart_desc in acpi_apd.c). Thus, specifying a baud when using earlycon
> on such a device will result in incorrect divider values and a wrong UART
> clock.
> Fix this by extending the earlycon options parameter to allow specification
> of a uartclk, like so:
> earlycon=uart,mmio32,0xfedc6000,115200,48000000
> If none is specified, fall-back to prior behavior - 1843200.

It needs to be discussed.

First of all, if you are going to do this you need to add a parse of
human readable formats (IIRC kernel has helpers), i.e. "48M", "38.4M"
and so on.

Next, I was under impression that purpose of earlycon (in difference
to earlyprintk) is to re-use existing drivers as fully as possible.

So, what exactly happens in your case? Are your driver lacks of
properly set clock? Or earlycon does simple not utilizing this

With Best Regards,
Andy Shevchenko