Re: [Possible REGRESSION, 4.16-rc4] Error updating SMART data during runtime and could not connect to lvmetad at some boot attempts

From: Hans de Goede
Date: Sun Mar 11 2018 - 10:37:53 EST

This is a multi-part message in MIME format. Hi Martin,

On 11-03-18 09:20, Martin Steigerwald wrote:

Since 4.16-rc4 (upgraded from 4.15.2 which worked) I have an issue
with SMART checks occassionally failing like this:

smartd[28017]: Device: /dev/sdb [SAT], is in SLEEP mode, suspending checks
udisksd[24408]: Error performing housekeeping for drive /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/INTEL_SSDSA2CW300G3_[â]: Error updating SMART
data: Error sending ATA command CHECK POWER MODE: Unexpected sense data returned:#0120000: 0e 09 0c 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 00 ..............P.#0120010:
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................#012 (g-io-error-quark, 0)
merkaba udisksd[24408]: Error performing housekeeping for drive /org/freedesktop/UDisks2/drives/Crucial_CT480M500SSD3_[â]: Error updating SMART dat
a: Error sending ATA command CHECK POWER MODE: Unexpected sense data returned:#0120000: 01 00 1d 00 00 00 0e 09 0c 00 00 00 ff 00 00 00 ................#0120010: 00 0
0 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ....P...........#012 (g-io-error-quark, 0)

(Intel SSD is connected via SATA, Crucial via mSATA in a ThinkPad T520)

However when I then check manually with smartctl -a | -x | -H the device
reports SMART data just fine.

As smartd correctly detects that device is in sleep mode, this may be an
userspace issue in udisksd.

Also at some boot attempts the boot hangs with a message like "could not
connect to lvmetad, scanning manually for devices". I use BTRFS RAID 1
on to LVs (each on one of the SSDs). A configuration that requires a manual
adaption to InitRAMFS in order to boot (basically vgchange -ay before
btrfs device scan).

I wonder whether that has to do with the new SATA LPM policy stuff, but as
I had issues with

3 => Medium power with Device Initiated PM enabled

(machine did not boot, which could also have been caused by me accidentally
removing all TCP/IP network support in the kernel with that setting)

I set it back to


(firmware settings)

Right, so at that settings the LPM policy changes are effectively
disabled and cannot explain your SMART issues.

Still I would like to zoom in on this part of your bug report, because
for Fedora 28 we are planning to ship with CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY=3
and AFAIK Ubuntu has similar plans.

I suspect that the issue you were seeing with CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY=3
were with the Crucial disk ? I've attached a patch for you to test, which
disabled LPM for your model Crucial SSD (but keeps it on for the Intel disk)
if you can confirm that with that patch you can run with
CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY=3 without issues that would be great.

