Re: [PATCH v4.16-rc5 (3)] x86/vdso: on Intel, VDSO should handle CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW
From: Jason Vas Dias
Date: Thu Mar 15 2018 - 17:41:45 EST
Hi Thomas -
On 15/03/2018, Thomas Gleixner <tglx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Jason,
> On Thu, 15 Mar 2018, jason.vas.dias@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> Resent to address reviewer comments.
> I was being patient so far and tried to guide you through the patch
> submission process, but unfortunately this turns out to be just waste of my
> time.
> You have not addressed any of the comments I made here:
> [1]
> [2]
I'm really sorry about that - I did not see those mails ,
and have searched for them in my inbox -
are you sure they were sent to 'linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' ?
That is the only list I am subscribed to .
I clicked on the links , but the 'To:' field is just
'linux-kernel' .
If I had seen those messages before I re-submitted,
those issues would have been fixed. did not report them -
I ran it with all patches and it reported
no errors .
And I did send the test results in a previous mail -
$ gcc -m64 -o timer timer.c
( must be compiled in 64-bit mode).
This is using the new rdtscp() function :
$ ./timer -r 100
Total time: 0.000002806S - Average Latency: 0.000000028S N zero
deltas: 0 N inconsistent deltas: 0
Average of 100 average latencies of 100 samples : 0.000000027S
This is using the rdtsc_ordered() function:
$ ./timer -m -r 100
Total time: 0.000005269S - Average Latency: 0.000000052S N zero
deltas: 0 N inconsistent deltas: 0
Average of 100 average latencies of 100 samples : 0.000000047S
timer.c is a very short program that just reads N_SAMPLES (a
compile-time option)
timespecs using either CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW (no -m) or CLOCK_MONOTONIC
first parameter to clock_gettime(), then
computes the deltas as long long, then averages them , counting any
zero deltas, or deltas where the previous timespec is somehow
greater than the current timespec, which are reported as
inconsitencies (note 'inconistent deltas:0' and 'zero deltas: 0' in output).
So my initial claim that rdtscp() can be twice as fast as rdtsc_ordered()
was not far-fetched - this is what I am seeing .
I think this is because of the explicit barrier() call in rdtsc_ordered() .
This must be slower than than the internal processor pipeline
"cancellation point" (barrier) used by the rdtscp instruction itself.
This is the only reason for the rdtscp call - plus all modern Intel
& AMD CPUs support it, and it DOES solve the ordering problem,
whereby instructions in one pipeline of a task can get different
rdtsc() results than instructions in another pipeline.
I will document the results better in the ChangeLog , fix all issues
you identified, and resend .
I did not mean to ignore your comments -
those mails are nowhere in my Inbox -
please , confirm the actual email address
they are getting sent to.
Thanks & Regards,
* Program to measure high-res timer latency.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <alloca.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef N_SAMPLES
#define N_SAMPLES 100
#define _STR(_S_) #_S_
#define STR(_S_) _STR(_S_)
#define TS2NS(_TS_) ((((unsigned long long)(_TS_).tv_sec)*1000000000ULL) + (((unsigned long long)((_TS_).tv_nsec))))
int main(int argc, char *const* argv, char *const* envp)
{ struct timespec sample[N_SAMPLES+1];
unsigned int cnt=N_SAMPLES, s=0 , avg_n=0;
unsigned long long
deltas [ N_SAMPLES ]
, t1, t2, sum=0, zd=0, ic=0, d
, t_start, avg_ns, *avgs=0;
clockid_t clk = CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW;
bool do_dump = false;
int argn=1, repeat=1;
for(; argn < argc; argn+=1)
if( argv[argn] != NULL )
if( *(argv[argn]) == '-')
switch( *(argv[argn]+1) )
{ case 'm':
case 'M':
case 'd':
case 'D':
do_dump = true;
case 'r':
case 'R':
if( (argn < argc) && (argv[argn+1] != NULL))
repeat = atoi(argv[argn+=1]);
case '?':
case 'h':
case 'u':
case 'U':
case 'H':
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: timer_latency [\n\t-m : use CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock (not CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW)\n\t-d : dump timespec contents. N_SAMPLES: " STR(N_SAMPLES) "\n\t"
"-r <repeat count>\n]\t"
"Calculates average timer latency (minimum time that can be measured) over N_SAMPLES.\n"
return 0;
if( repeat > 1 )
{ avgs=alloca(sizeof(unsigned long long) * (N_SAMPLES + 1));
if( ((unsigned long) avgs) & 7 )
avgs = ((unsigned long long*)(((unsigned char*)avgs)+(8-((unsigned long) avgs) & 7)));
do {
{ if( 0 != clock_gettime(clk, &sample[s++]) )
{ fprintf(stderr,"oops, clock_gettime() failed: %d: '%s'.\n", errno, strerror(errno));
return 1;
}while( --cnt );
clock_gettime(clk, &sample[s]);
for(s=1; s < (N_SAMPLES+1); s+=1)
{ t1 = TS2NS(sample[s-1]);
t2 = TS2NS(sample[s]);
if ( (t1 > t2)
||(sample[s-1].tv_sec > sample[s].tv_sec)
||((sample[s-1].tv_sec == sample[s].tv_sec)
&&(sample[s-1].tv_nsec > sample[s].tv_nsec)
{ fprintf(stderr,"Inconsistency: %llu %llu %lu.%lu %lu.%lu\n", t1 , t2
, sample[s-1].tv_sec, sample[s-1].tv_nsec
, sample[s].tv_sec, sample[s].tv_nsec
d = t2 - t1;
if ( d == 0 )
{ zd += 1;
deltas[s-1] = d;
fprintf(stderr, "%lu %lu %llu\n",
sample[s].tv_sec, sample[s].tv_nsec, d
for(s = 0, sum=0; s < N_SAMPLES; s+=1)
sum += deltas[s];
fprintf(stderr,"sum: %llu\n",sum);
avg_ns = sum / N_SAMPLES;
t_start = TS2NS(sample[0]);
t1=(t2 - t_start);
printf("Total time: %1.1llu.%9.9lluS - Average Latency: %1.1llu.%9.9lluS N zero deltas: %u N inconsistent deltas: %u\n",
t1 / 1000000000, t1 % 1000000000,
avg_ns / 1000000000, avg_ns % 1000000000 ,
zd, ic
if (avgs != ((void*)0UL))
avgs[avg_n++] = avg_ns;
} while (--repeat);
if (avgs != ((void*)0UL))
{ for( s=0, sum=0; s < avg_n; s+=1)
sum += avgs[s];
printf("Average of %u average latencies of " STR(N_SAMPLES) " samples : %1.1llu.%9.9lluS\n"
, avg_n, (sum / N_SAMPLES) / 1000000000, (sum / N_SAMPLES) % 1000000000
return 0;