About dmesg time and uptime

From: Qixuan Wu
Date: Tue Mar 20 2018 - 13:04:27 EST

Hi All,

I have a doubt in kernel 4.9 about dmesg time and uptime. Would you
please to help to clarify whether it's bug or not.
Below is our log. The dmesg time second is large than uptime second.

[25049978.919097] bond0.700: port 9(veth4e77160) entered forwarding state
[25049978.926455] bond0.700: port 9(veth4e77160) entered forwarding state
[chenggang.qcg@e80g10383 ~]$ cat /proc/uptime
25023128.55 1416627078.34

I found dmesg second is just directly get from tsc (x86 64 platform).
While the uptime is get by a complicated computation.

In my another board running 4.9, uptime is very large than dmesg
second (about 8000 second).

Thanks & Regards
Qixuan Wu