Pavel Machek wrote:Contrary, it just happened to me on a 64-bit build 4.16-rc5 on T440.
On Mon 2018-03-19 05:17:45, Woody Suwalski wrote:Works here OK. Tried ~10 suspends, all restarted OK.
Pavel Machek wrote:Thanks for testing... but yes, 4.16 should be ok. If not fixed,
Hi!Tried the 4.16-rc6 with nm 1.4.4 - I do not see the issue.
With recent linux-next, after resume networkmanager often claims that
"network is disabled". Sometimes suspend/resume clears that.
Any ideas? Does it work for you?
problem will appear in 4.17-rc1.
kernel next-20180320
nmcli shows that Wifi always connects OK