Re: Did kernel 3.11 never work?

From: Pavel Machek
Date: Tue Mar 27 2018 - 05:50:38 EST

On Fri 2018-03-23 14:37:17, Maurice R Volaski wrote:
> I am trying to use kernel 3.11 on VirtualBox or VMWare, but it hangs at boot right after the message âBooting the kernelâ. Under VMWare, VMWare gives a message that it received an instruction to halt the CPU.
> I have tried different editions of 3.11 and they all are affected the same way. Does anyone know why this and a way to fix it?

There were kernels that were dangerous for everyone. But that was
1.3.X, IIRC. 3.11 should work in most configurations.

(cesky, pictures)

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