Re: [RFC v3 4/5] virtio_ring: add event idx support in packed ring

From: Jason Wang
Date: Thu May 03 2018 - 03:25:44 EST

On 2018å05æ03æ 10:09, Tiwei Bie wrote:
So how about we use the straightforward way then?
You mean we do new += vq->vring_packed.num instead
of event_idx -= vq->vring_packed.num before calling

The problem is that, the second param (new_idx) of
vring_need_event() will be used for:

(__u16)(new_idx - event_idx - 1)
(__u16)(new_idx - old)

So if we change new, we will need to change old too.
I think that since we have a branch there anyway,
we are better off just special-casing if (wrap_counter != vq->wrap_counter).
Treat is differenty and avoid casts.

And that would be an ugly hack..

Best regards,
Tiwei Bie
I consider casts and huge numbers with two's complement
games even uglier.
The dependency on two's complement game is introduced
since the split ring.

In packed ring, old is calculated via:

old = vq->next_avail_idx - vq->num_added;

In split ring, old is calculated via:

old = vq->avail_idx_shadow - vq->num_added;

In both cases, when vq->num_added is bigger, old will
be a big number.

Best regards,
Tiwei Bie

How about just do something like vhost:

static u16 vhost_idx_diff(struct vhost_virtqueue *vq, u16 old, u16 new)
ÂÂÂ if (new > old)
ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ return new - old;
 return (new + vq->num - old);

static bool vhost_vring_packed_need_event(struct vhost_virtqueue *vq,
ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ Â __u16 event_off, __u16 new,
ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂ Â __u16 old)
ÂÂÂ return (__u16)(vhost_idx_diff(vq, new, event_off) - 1) <
ÂÂÂ ÂÂÂÂÂÂ (__u16)vhost_idx_diff(vq, new, old);
