Hi Phil,Yes it returns the true state of the output pin.
...So, it is not possible to read SCL status then? Hmm, currently a working
get_scl is required...
Well, I don't know much about this IP core and how/where it is used. I
just wonder what happens if another user comes along using an
open-drain GPIO. Is that possible?
I assume it is the same with SDA? Non open-drain? Output only?
Just had a closer look at how it's setup here.
Maybe the following helps.
Thanks for the detailed explanation. I am just afraid it is a litle too
detailed for me. I am not sure if I can read it correctly:
When you read the SCL/SDA GPIO, does it return the true state of the
SCL/SDA line or does it just reflect the value it was set to output?
Yes. They're both driven push/pull, but the try state of the line is available.
There's no concept of HiZ internally in the FPGA.
Which probably means SDA is to be treated the same as SCL -> push/pull.
I know of one other doing the same thing with the core in the Altera SocFPGA platform.
If there was some kinda of OpenDrain gpio driver that modelled a FET
driven by a push pull GPIO I guess it could be made to work.
Still, that sounds quite unlikely to me, so we can for now assume that
all designware users will have push/pull?
Disclaimer: I have zero experience with this core, I don't know how hard
it is to modify or which versions are out there.